The International and Multi-Regional Membership Center of Latinos in the USA
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Are You Latino?
As we can see, there's a wide range of Latin people from all walks of life around the globe. It's clear that a person cannot be encapsulated within the Latin community based on his or her physical appearance or name alone. Next time you travel through the Baja California peninsula in Mexico, you may find folks with sure names like Sklodowska Garcia, or you may speak with a person named Ariyoshi Mendez downtown Lima, Peru. As simple and as beautiful as this is. Naturally, not everyone you see on the street is a Latin person, but if you find a person, whose roots are in families from any of the places listed above, it is likely that person is Latino. The most important thing we can say about this, is that for those who were born here in the United States of America and for those who have embraced the citizenship of this nation, first, and for most, we all are citizens of this great country. We are all working to make this nation the very best, and we Latinos most contribute with pride and honor to this task.
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Last update September 3, 2021