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The European Union and the Latin American MERCOSUR commerce block have joined together forming the largest commercial block on earth. In this new commercial alliance, the United States was left out of the deal. The negotiations concluded in a meeting that took place on June 29, 2019. This is perhaps one of the most important commercial trade agreements in the modern history of the world. It is significant for several reasons, one of them is the political and economic power the EU will have in Latin America and the platform this commercial block means for the EU easily targeting the United States. Yes, it is true that today the MERCOSUR is dysfunctional with important problems and political matters dividing its participants, however, the block of south American nations will bring the long-awaited project to a reality soon. The presence and the pressure the EU bring to the scene will serve as a catalyst for the MERCOSUR polishing its rough edges. The new agreement is a major, official step toward a European-Latin American alliance. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker called it “a truly historic moment.” Argentine President Mauricio Macri, who led the negotiations for Mercosur, said that it is “the most important agreement we’ve signed in our history.”
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July 9 2019
The new agreement is a major, official step toward a European-Latin American alliance. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker called it “a truly historic moment.” Argentine President Mauricio Macri, who led the negotiations for Mercosur, said that it is “the most important agreement we’ve signed in our history.” This commercial trade agreement is monumental. See this: It creates a free trade area covering 780 million people, with a potential for an annual economic output of $21 trillion. In the trade agreement the following core nations of MERCOSUR are participating: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The duties this trade agreement will abolish amounts to a $4.5 billion worth of duties. Over the next 10 to 15 years, it will phase out more than 90 percent of the tariffs that the EU and Mercosur currently have on each other. The European Union and Mexico On April 21, 2018, almost one year before, the European Union finalized a trade agreement with Mexico known as EU-Mexico Global Agreement. This trade agreement has similar implications leaving the United States out of these commercial trades. German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday welcomed the agreement, saying it would benefit Mexico, Europe and Germany.
Lessons from History It is said that he who cares not about history, is in the path of committing the very same mistakes all over again. When it comes to European powers, especially the Roman Empire, this is Charlemagne empire, today seated in Brussels, we all ought to be paying attention to events leading to these trade agreements...unfortunately, no one seems to be alert to them. European powers have a history of forging links with Latin America in order to get at the United States. See the following: Napoleon launched a major military operation to conquer Haiti, so he could create a French colonial empire in the New World. During the American Civil War, France tried to move into Mexico while the U.S. was distracted. In the early 1900s, Germany tried to establish a naval base in Venezuela, at the same time as the German high command was working on plans for a land invasion of the U.S. During World War I, Germany infamously tried to persuade Mexico to go to war with the U.S. and win back Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. After World War II, many Latin American nations welcomed ex-Nazi war criminals. During the Cold War, Soviet Russia established close links with Cuba, deployed nuclear missiles there, and brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. Because of these events and acts, is that the United States upheld what is known as the Monroe Doctrine keeping foreign powers out of the Americas. But the Obama administration openly announced that it was abandoning the Monroe Doctrine and would no longer attempt to enforce it. In 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry officially proclaimed, “The era of the Monroe Doctrine is over.” Now, Europeans are moving back again and this time no one really cares one dime! For the Latin American region, these free trade agreements are real, the same for the European nations inside the European Union block. The promise of commerce and prosperity is real, it is a true fact. Both regions will produce billions, trillions of dollars’ worth of commercial exchanges. But behind all exchanges, the European powers are back in position and the open target is the United States. Mr. Trump is threatening to close the border with Mexico, at the same time he is in a trade war with China, by the way the real war with China is much more alarming than that. He is in a trade war with Canada and with Europe. While all these things are taking place, with no more Monroe Doctrine alive and with these many (and more) international relations around the world severed, we may need to stop and wonder how the future will be for the United States?
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European powers back to the Americas Lessons From History
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